Thankfully, children being intentionally poisoned or harmed by tampered with foods is not a concern here. Seriously, not even thought of....
1, 5, & 20 cent pieces were common gifts. The Special K Bar was mine- from this morning----
This bag has Mega Mouse- very good light crispy salty yumminess. Chandler said that many people expect trick or treaters to perform for their treats. Apparently they did some dancing, joking telling, etc.
Peanuts and taffy-like candy
Lots of loot on a messy table...
My scary baby...Yes, that is lavender- it is still drying....remember? From the Great Harvest?
Those hands are freaky. Did I mention that the 2 euro store totally rocks?
There he is...please- ignore the messy messy home. There are a number of reasons that the home is in disarray. 1. We can't figure out when to put out the different colored bins for garbage and recycling....There are four freakin' bins and each has it's own "day."
Lots of loot on a messy table...
My scary baby...Yes, that is lavender- it is still drying....remember? From the Great Harvest?
Those hands are freaky. Did I mention that the 2 euro store totally rocks?
There he is...please- ignore the messy messy home. There are a number of reasons that the home is in disarray. 1. We can't figure out when to put out the different colored bins for garbage and recycling....There are four freakin' bins and each has it's own "day."
2. We are in the process of packing for the move back.
3. I don't feel like straightening.
4. I am way too lazy to edit photos. I used to edit ALL photos for my readers. But really, I can't keep up the appearances anymore. Besides, you are going to see what we really look like in a matter of weeks....