Thursday, September 25, 2008


Mel the Mallard-He is my favorite duck.
Scott just wants to feed ducks. Chandler has always got lots of plans. He forgets, we are not his playmates...Is this an only child thing?
Mean Muskogee- He is attacking Mel. The Muskogees are crankier than Mallards, especially when it comes to bread.

That is all I've got for today.


Thoughts from the Deep End said...

Those Muskogee ducks look like they came straight from hell...

Tay and Ferry have a real problem with them at their house... they poop all over their dock, etc... and they are mean to the mallards...

halfbreedwoman said...

TFTDP- Yup- Scott is mentally scarred because one chased him down when he was 2 years old. Big Marine Runs From Muskogee...